Getting involved as a review author
Cochrane invites prospective authors to propose new Cochrane Reviews by submitting a proposal in Editorial Manager. Please see the Cochrane Library information for authors for further details.
- Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions - (Cochrane Handbook) the official guide to producing Cochrane reviews
- MECIR standards - Methodological Expectations for Cochrane Intervention Reviews (MECIR) conduct standards and MECIR reporting standards
- RevMan web page - documentation and support for software for preparing and maintaining Cochrane reviews
- GRADEpro - (GRADEpro GDT) is the software used to create Summary of Findings (SoF) tables in Cochrane reviews
- Cochrane Style Resource - compare your Cochrane Review against the official style guide
- Cochrane Screening and Diagnostic Tests Methods Group
Training - online
- Open Learning Materials - learn the steps in convenient online modules which supplement the Cochrane Handbook in helping you gain skills and complete your review.
A new chapter for Cochrane
Cochrane has embarked on an important change programme to transform the way we produce the high-quality, independent and timely evidence. The new model is designed to ensure Cochrane remains viable, sustainable, and focused on the greatest global health and care challenges now and into the future. As part of the new model we are implementing a Central Editorial Service to streamline the editorial process.
We are very grateful to everyone who contributes their time and expertise to Cochrane Urology. We encourage you to look out for further communications about Cochrane's plans for the future and new opportunities to get involved. You can stay connected by: